AFS Dominican Republic welcomed a group of 54 global leaders from 36 countries at the annual #GivingTuesday Global Summit. #GivingTuesday (this year on 27 November) is an international  movement that celebrates and supports giving and philanthropy through events and activities. Since 2012, charities and causes rally with events throughout the year and a growing catalog of resources. #GivingTuesday encourages people, communities, companies, and organizations to unify efforts in a global celebration of giving, especially after the worldwide mass consumerism days of Black Friday and Cyber Monday. The Global Summit was held in Santo Domingo this May.

AFS Dominican Republic has been involved in the promotion of #GivingTuesday since 2015. This has empowered its volunteers to find more opportunities to diversify their volunteer work in their communities and has served as an inspiration to donate.

In the four-day Global Summit event, AFS Dominican Republic organized a gathering with local volunteers and global leaders of this philanthropic organization. A group of AFS volunteers kicked off the summit by facilitating interactive sessions on intercultural communication, an important aspect of the culture of giving. Their expertise and energy inspired more people to inquire about the local perspectives for the movement to grow to more organizations.

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